Trips for families

Enjoy some great family-friendly walks and activities on the lake and in the mountains!

Visit the town, enjoy the surrounding natural environment and spend some quality time together!

An immersive experience in the great outdoors

The Pré Curieux Water Gardens

Visit the gardens on board the Agrion, an solar-powered electric boat.

Follow our guide and sit back and enjoy the utter peace and quiet of this place.

For the younger members of the family: watch out for the little floating huts along the way!

More information

Sailing on the Barque La Savoie

A unique, fun and unforgettable experience on board one of the most beautiful replicas of a traditional lateen-rigged sailing boat!

The younger members of the family will be able to have a go at steering the boat and will receive a “P’tit Bacouni” certificate for their efforts!

Information and bookings


Soar to new heights

A panoramic view that you will all get to see

Take the funicular railway with your family from ‘la rue du Port’ to the terminus on ‘avenue de la Verniaz’.

Then walk to the Parc Clair matin to get a superb panoramic view of Lake Léman and have some fun with the younger members of your family in the nearby playground.

Find out more


Ride on the ‘Petit Train’ land train

Suitable for all

For the young and the young-at-heart, climb on board this little land train and discover the sights in Evian.

More information

Carnet de voyage