Sustainable Development

“Keenly aware of the assets it possesses, of their importance, and of the responsibility we hold towards future generations,
the town has committed to implementing an innovative and determined approach to make the United Nation’s 17 sustainable development goals the focal point of its town council project.
In its drive to preserve its image - combining tradition, modernity and innovation -
Evian wishes to become a pilot town for the implementation
of a sustainable and engaged territorial policy, and also to work towards becoming a virtuous territory.”

Josiane Lei, Mayoress of Evian

Slowing down
in order to survive

“We have always been told to count the seconds, minutes,
the hours, the days, the years...
but no-one ever tells us about the value of the present moment.“ Donato Carrisi, novellist

The speed at which are societies are hurtling forward is causing an increase in the amount of resources we are using and is having a significant affect on the way we are exploiting our planet.
The ecological crisis has made it necessary for us to question our attitude to time.


Our commitment

  • Our approach: soft tourism to fit in with the history of the town and its environment.
  • Our pledge: “Take the time to live every moment to the full” See these moments in time
  • Our values: kindness, universalism, the capacity to reflect on world issues and drive change.
  • Our symbol: a drop of water

Our belief

For years, we have mishandled time, believing that we could ignore it.
By doing this, we have put ourselves and our ecosystem
in danger.
Evian Tourisme imagines a world where we take stock of time, and live at our own pace.

It may well just be a ‘drop in the ocean’ but here,
drops of water have time on their side...

At present, the town of Evian has therefore implemented 250 actions in line with the 17 goals of the UN.

Find out more

Carnet de voyage