Quality label

The continuous improvement of the quality of the services we offer our clients and our partners is an essential objective for our industrially and commercially-orientated establishment.

Our policy of commitment to quality since 2013 has greatly contributed to raising the level of our services. Our vested interest in this engagement is to guarantee that we give our clients a professional welcome and quality services, that we are attentive to the needs of our clients and partners, and that we strive constantly to improve what we do!


Our engagements to our clients

  • Ensure that they stay in a pleasant and comfortable setting,
  • Greet them with a smile, listen to their needs,
  • Meet their needs and generally make sure that their stay goes as smoothly as possible,
  • Ensure that they have access to information in a variety of languages,
  • Provide essential information, even outside normal office hours,
  • Give advice about, and sell, guided tours, leisure activities and visits,
  • Take clients’ opinions, comments and claims into account,
  • Offer free access to WIFI

Our engagements to our partners

  • Increase their visibility,
  • Promote their activity with the media,
  • Develop their activity by using our marketing and commercial strategy.

Our in-house engagements

  • Work to continually improve our services and our tools to help our teams work together,
  • Help our collegues to develop their skills,
  • Focus on the well-being of our colleagues in the establishment to guarantee the level of the services we provide,
  • Adopt a structured approach to our in-house communication.

Our commitment to quality and more globally our aim to provide a quality service, are at the very heart of the Town of Evian’s policy to develop tourism.

More information about the Qualité Tourisme label here

The Director

Vincent Delaitre


Carnet de voyage